Art Licensing (Redirect Page)


The Art Licensing Directory Project has moved to this page.

The Directory is a list of artist's submission guidelines for companies that purchase and license art for gifts, greeting cards and houseware products. It was created by hundreds of artists who volunteered and shared their resources. See the list of contributing "Art Angels" at the end of the list.

BOOKS For Art Licensing

These are books I own and recommend. Some may be out of print, but used copies may be available.  Check link.

Licensing Art and Design

Good for learning about how licensing works.

2011 Artist's and Graphic Designer's Market

Annual listings of greeting card publishers and agents who license art.

Start with a Scan

One of a kind book that tells you how to transform your art into a scan and what to do with it from there.

You Can Write Your Own Greeting Cards

 Clear guidelines on how to write card sentiments professionally.

Design Your Own Repeat Patterns

Simple book on  learning repeats.

Twentieth-Century Pattern Design

Great book for inspiration and creative approaches to designing patterns.

How to Design a "Wow!" Trade Show Booth Without Spending a Fortune

Simple tips for your first tradeshow booth.

How to Break into Product Design

Overview of product design in all industries.

Licensing Art 101

Good beginners guide on the art licensing business.

Complete Guide to Greeting Card Design and Illustration

Great Book on understanding the greeting card profession and how to develop a style.

Build a Better Trade Show Image

Professional recommendations for doing a tradeshow.  Advice to take before you attempt one.

Mary Engelbreit: The Art And The Artist

Amazing story of how Mary ended up doing licensing.

Principles of Pattern Design

Good info on pattern design


Imagery on Fabric

Basic info on putting images onto fabric.

Graphic Artist's Guild Handbook of Pricing

Yearly updated guidelines for pricing for people in art careers.

Finding the Right Words

One of many basic books of this series that tells you how to add words products, cards, etc.

Designing a Digital Portfolio

Shows you how to put a digital portfolio together for the modern era.

Kate's Greeting Card Designer Booklets

You can support this blog by ordering e-Booklets that are a compilation of different articles on this blog starting at only .99 cents! They can be read on your kindle, ipad, ipod, cellphone, or your computer. Free samples and lending options available.


Get Your Greeting Cards Into Stores is a book for people who already make their own greeting cards. It explains how to get your cards into stores and sell them sell nationwide. Included are guidelines on: how to price your cards for a profit, how to get professional feedback, where to find a sales representative and and what industry standards you should follow. All the information is also applicable to gift items, such as magnets, journals, calendars, collectibles, etc.


Booklet on Unusual Ways To Market Greeting Cards, and 22 places to get your designs featured. A 20 page booklet on how to get your cards noticed in non-traditional ways. Everything from why you should send cards to your dentist, to how to get special features in national publications. Great tips for designers who are starting out and want to get their cards into the hands of people beyond friends and family. Special Section: Submissions guidelines and contacts for 22 Gift Industry publications and professional gift industry blogs that seek out new greeting card designs to feature for free. (5,000 Words and 17 greeting card images included)


Booklet on 7 Mistakes Greeting Card Writers Make A list of 7 things to avoid when submitting greeting card verse to publishers.

Includes a list of card publishers and their guidelines, links to writer interviews, articles, card samples and other current resources. 20-page booklet and 2,300 words and 8 Pages of Card Samples.


Booklet on 20 Steps to Art Licensing that is a list of suggested steps to to take for getting into art licensing. How to license your art to companies that publish greeting cards, and manufacture coffee mugs, magnets, wall hangings, kitchen items, and dozens of other gift items. This booklet covers 20 basic steps from how to prepare your art, to what companies to contact. It includes topics on: How to find agents, classes and what trade shows to attend. There are extensive resources on social media, licensing community groups, and lists of interviews with professional designers (5,200 words).