Can you guess what famous person said this quote?

"Because I had dropped out of college...I decided to take a calligraphy class. I learned about serif and san serif typefaces, about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations, about what makes typography great. It was beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a way that science can't capture, and I found it fascinating."

Hint: This person's salary is only $1 per year.


Jill Meyer said...

I bought my first Mac in 1984. At the time I was a calligrapher, and I was teaching calligraphy. I had a question to ask about the Mac, and thought that Steve Jobs was the one to answer it. So I wrote him a letter. I wanted to be noticed, so I pulled out all stops and wrote it in different " historical hands" each "hand" in a different color ink"! It was quite a different looking letter, and I knew it would at least get a second glance. I was hoping for an answer.
I never sent the letter, and I still have it. I ultimately thought that Steve Jobs would have no interest in calligraphy, and that he would toss the letter, thinking that I was some kind of a nut! It was not until years later that I found out that he was fascinated with calligraphy, and probably would have been most interested in what I was doing. It was definitely an opportunity missed. I should have.................
Jill Meyer

Carolyn said...

Kate, the first person who came to mind was Ken Brown, whom I interviewed last year. He also was so fascinated by calligraphy that he became obsessed (and flunked out of college because of it). Ken's name is the "brand" of calligraphy instruction and supplies that most people know best, and he has earned quite a bit of money from this. Coincidentally, because he refused to sell his name and work, and insisted on licensing before it became widely popular!His interview is here The only thing that threw me off was the $1 salary.
Maybe Steve Jobs learned from Ken Brown?