Examples of Attention-Grabbing Art on the Homepage

Months ago posted a question on linkedin about how to make a good art licensing website and several artists responded.

I visited about 80 sites (whew!) and one thing I noticed was that having a prominent and vibrant image on the home page grabbed my attention right away. So I've decided to feature "Attention Grabbing Images."

My comments underneath are the "first thoughts" I had when I saw the image.

Note: These are only - images- from their homepages. If you want to see their entire homepage, and how they used the image, click directly on the image and it will go to their homepage and website.

This looks like real paper! I love that green splash.

How can I not feel happy? Let's go wherever you are going.

What a great mood and feeling! I want to be there and dream about things.

Yes, I've been there. I know how it feels.

Thanks for the great welcome and I love your turquoise and yellow.

Yes. You are beautiful.
(but please put your copyright to the side so I can enjoy your fragrance)


This texture keeps me looking, and those little red legs make me feel like a kid.

To see all the websites, go to this linkedin discussion on the Art of Licensing Group. If you are not a member (and you are reading this blog) you should be!


1 comment:

Morph Waffle said...

What great examples! I'm going to be putting together a website, so it's great to see examples, thanks!