29 Secret Photoshop Shortcuts

Here's a great resource from Web Designer Wall Blog.

Here are a few examples. Read entire article for all 29.

  1. Drag selection
    With the Marquee tool, drag on the document (do not release the mouse yet), now hold down Spacebar, it will let you drag the undefined selection.
  2. Navigate the document left or right
    Hold down the Cmd key and scroll up or down allows you to navigate the document left or right. For example, hold down Cmd + scroll up will navigate to right.
  3. Browse the font list
    Put your cursor in the font list dropdown, you can browse the font list by pressing arrow Up or Down key.
  4. Scale font size
    Select the text that you want to scale the font size, press Cmd + Shift + > or < to increase / decrease font size.
  5. Zoom with the scroll wheel
    You can zoom in / out by Cmd + Opt + scroll up or down.
  6. Drag to adjust numberic value
    Mouseover the input box, hold down Cmd + drag left or right to increase / decrease. Hold down Cmd + Opt or Shift key and drag can change the value in decimal or 10 interval. This shortcut works in all dialog palettes.
  7. Scroll to adjust numeric value
    Put the cursor in the input box, scroll up or down to increase / decrease value. This shortcut works in all dialog palettes.
  8. Arrow up / down to adjust numeric value
    Put the cursor in the input box, press arrow Up or Down to increase / decrease. Hold down Shift and press arrow Up or Down will change value in 10 interval.
  9. Zoom to 100%
    Double click on the Zoom tool will zoom document to 100%.
  10. Collapse or expand all layer groups
    You can collapse or expand all root-level layer groups by holding down Cmd + click on the triangle icon. Hold down Cmd + Opt + click on the triangle icon will collapse or expand all level layer groups.
  11. Show / hide in a row
    If you need to show / hide more than one layers, instead of clicking one by one, you can click on the visibility icon and drag in a row.

Read entire article...

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