Are You Ready for the Paperless Revolution?

With ereaders, tablets and smart phones, we are now in the middle of a major technological transition from paper to digital, and as greeting card designers, we need to look at what's happening. Rather than limiting your definition of what a greeting card is, which is paper and art, think about what it does: It communicates a message between 2 people.

Let's be aware of video #1 and avoid being like video #2 (promised to make you laugh). On the other end of the spectrum, one sales rep told me that while the traditional greeting card publishers are losing marketshare to e-devices, the indie handmade card artist business is increasing. What is your experience? (leave comments)

1. Social Media Revolution (a must-see)

Did You Know:
-95% of companies who use social media use LinkedIn to find employees?
-1 out of 8 couples married in the U.S. last year met via social media?
-If Facebook were a country it would be the world’s 3rd largest?
-Kindle books outsold paperbacks on Christmas?

2. Someone trying to help a paper scroll reader convert to reading a paper book. For a laugh : )


Sharon Fernleaf said...

I always love reading your blog :)Great videos-amazing statistics...thanks kate!

Mittie said...

That video was frighteningly familiar! But also I laughed out loud! Mittie