30 Things I Learned in 2010 That Helped my Design Career

I asked artists: "In ten words or less, what did you learn in 2010 that helped you with your design career?" Here are some of the answers:

Find your audience, then make images for yourself. -Lida Enche www.lidaenche.com

There is never enough time. Get it done anyway. -Deb Booth http://www.differentlightstudio.com

Learn photoshop, have enough work in portfolio, be flexible. -Frances Poole

To be a professional artist, one should have a website. -Beth Grove www.bethgrove.com

Ignore yourself sometimes and just "do it." -Belinda Lindhardt

When you have to choose between left and right, go straight. -Danny Naz

Allow self to leave the studio... and the muse appears. ^..^~ Beverly Dyer

Set goals! Create collections, internet presence, network dilgently! Take risks! -Sue Duda http://www.sueduda.com

Recapturing what truly makes an excellent, creative, edgy designer. -Kirsty McDonald www.parkleadesignagency.co.uk

If you are persistent and follow your goal new opportunities arrive. -Jack Tuszynski

Patience. Remain true to my artistic vision and continue evolving. -Gail Green www.sweetpetatoes.com

The answer to every question can be found through networking! -Beverly Hayes

Develop your "elevator speech". Don't be afraid to use it! -Laura Cantu Smith

Find your focus and give it all you've got. -Toni Wall

Open yourself up to the possibilities and opportunities come knocking. -Lisa Fu

Trust your inner Van Gogh; create from the heart. -Shannon Bielke

Less stress leads to more creativity! -Gabriel Morosan http://www.finestreetphotography.com

Persist until you receive an email asking to "unsubscribe."-Tracey Hart

Review, focus, identify and go for it! 2010 has been my best year yet! -Martha Spak

Make your life, creativity & happiness a priority, because no one else will. -xenos mesa http://www.xenosmesa.com/

Open yourself to multiple streams of revenue. -Lindsay Obermeyer www.lbostudio.com

Learn to network and follow up without being sales-y. -Sarah Bush

Don't be your own roadblock. -xenos mesa http://www.xenosmesa.com/

Create what you love for broad usage and appeal & network. -Katie Atkinson

The Business Aspect of having a successful Career as a Artist. -Howard Pearlman

Improved my digital skills! -beatrice trezevant

Work from your heart and be tenacious. -Barbara Johansen Newman

Research, network, communicate, follow-up, respond, never give up. -Tim Read

Keep moving forward! NO "What if " -or- "But I can't" -Miki Berman www.mikibermandesign.com

I switched my Lynda account to a Think Vitamin account. -Will Kesling

Do not waste your time. -Jack Tuszynski

Get Some Sleep! -Dianne Woods


Gabriela Delworth - Certified Instructional Designer said...


Happy New Year!

Love all these ideas, thanks for sharing!



PrittieHartPress said...

Great insights! Thanks, Kate, and to everyone who shared their experiences.

Beverly Dyer said...

This is a list to print and hang in our studios.

Anonymous said...

These are great advices. Thank you for posting this.
Have a wonderful New Year.