Different Image Formats – And When to Use Them

Article Worth Reading. Here is an excerpt. To read complete article go to original blog post at 1stwebdesign Blog. Different Image Formats – And When to Use Them

Are you familiar with the extensions after your images? There are so many image formats that it’s so easy to get confused! File extensions like .jpeg, .bmp, .gif, and more can be seen after an image’s file name. Most of us disregard it, thinking there is no significance regarding these image formats.

These are all different and incompatible, though. These image formats have their own pros and cons. They were created for specific, yet different, purposes. What’s the difference, and when is each format appropriate to use?

Let us tackle the five most common image formats for the web and computer graphics: JPEG, GIF, BMP, TIFF and PNG.

To read complete article go to original blog post at 1stwebdesign Blog.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the info.